We Win With Speed, Efficiency, and Technology Using Our 3-Step Process
If you are someone who is looking to dominate your opponent in the deposition or the court room, then you’re probably wondering how we might do this for you?
It all comes down to deploying a 3-step process using technology that other attorneys do not have.
We understand that you may be in a hurry while reading this webpage. So here is the quick version of the process.
Step #1: Prompt Preparation
This means we prepare to win at trial from day one. That trial-readiness often leads to favorable settlements, even if trial may not occur.
Step #2: Outmaneuver
Because of our prompt preparation we are able to outmaneuver your opponent in depositions and pre-trial proceedings. We can set traps and damage your opponent’s credibility while preparing you to be a great witness.
Step #3: Facts at Fingertips and Jury Trust
If there is a trial, we build trust with the jury and the judge by having all of the facts and evidence at our fingertips and capable of immediate visual display. Well-earned jury trust is critical to victory.
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WmsCLG Has a Competitive Advantage
The foundation of our success is the ability to keep track of and instantaneously access the massive volume of ESI (Electronically Stored Information) that is a part of every litigated matter. We combine the advantages of multiple computer programs to create a unique asset: a chronology of events that giver perspective and enables conclusions and insights otherwise unseen. Customized programing allows trial preparation software to be used throughout the case, from pre-trial through trial. Every single document, text, email, and any other evidence is instantly retrievable and can be annotated—a highlighted sentence from an email, a box around an important paragraph, even hypertext links. A single keystroke of barcode reader displays this during preparations and at trial. By pinpointing every piece of evidence—for immediate visual display—our client’s story is clear and compelling.
The chronology is used from day one of the case. It is useful in depositions when a witness says things inconsistent with the documents. The videotaped excerpt of an opponent’s deposition can be played later for the jury.
Whether at a deposition, a hearing, or trial, the experience is similar. Typically, manage boxes or notebooks full of documents, exhibits, binders, and post-it-notes. We only need our laptop. Other attorneys often fumble around for a particular document, while we put ours on the screen withing seconds. Courtrooms in Arizona and elsewhere require and allow only electronic images, so we are prepared because we use them from the onset of the case.
The goal at court is simple: be smooth, organized, and confident. The jury likes that. The judges like that as well. The opposition does not like that. The polish and confidence of the presentation can overcome bad facts and win cases.